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Over a billion females across the globe are deprived of the essential nutrition and services crucial for their well-being and prosperity, with the likelihood of experiencing malnutrition being 50% higher for women and girls compared to their male counterparts.

“Every expecting mother should receive high quality health care,” said Anita Zaidi, President, Gender Equality Division at the Gates Foundation.

“As more women gain access to antenatal care services around the world, we must ensure that includes nutrition counseling and support. Investing in MMS is a commitment to supporting all women—no matter where they live—with the quality care that they and their babies deserve.”



16 million women
16 high-burden countries
525$ million donor financial share
260 million women
45 high-burden countries
1.1$ billion donor financial share



Support global scale up of prenatal vitamins for women worldwide.

In affluent nations, the vast majority of pregnant women regularly consume multiple micronutrient supplements (MMS), also widely known as prenatal vitamins, during their pregnancy journey. However, this critical, cost-effective, and potentially lifesaving intervention remains out of reach for numerous women in lower- and middle-income countries (LMICs). These essential prenatal vitamins are instrumental in significantly lowering the likelihood of stillbirths, infant deaths, and the birth of underweight and fragile newborns, while simultaneously enhancing maternal health.
MMS Women

New N4G commitment highlights critical role of women’s nutrition.

This pledge marks a significant step forward in the global initiative to deploy and expand the reach of MMS within the next five years, targeting nations most affected by anemia and poor nutrition. It proudly stands as the inaugural commitment to N4G, a worldwide call to action aimed at eradicating malnutrition and empowering every individual to realize their utmost potential. During these gatherings, the French ministry unveiled its intention to focus, for the first time at such a summit, on addressing the gender-specific nutritional requirements of women and girls.
