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The history of the Greenway Foundation

Let's change the world together.
The Greenway Foundation embodies the innovative alliance between business and philanthropic aspirations. Since its inception in 2023, it has established itself as an essential pillar, supporting French and European SMEs and ETIs in their quest for positive social and environmental impact.
Through a precise and concerted approach to giving, the Greenway Foundation is becoming a major player in the promotion of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It symbolizes the union of wills, forming a vehicle propelling change towards a more sustainable and equitable future. The Greenway Foundation, one of the pioneers of private commitment to contemporary environmental and social projects, is dedicated to uniting companies around shared values and tackling the challenges we face together.
Guided by an ethical committee of eminent, independent figures, each year the Foundation chooses a Sustainable Development Goal on which to focus its efforts. In 2024-2025, it will focus on infant nutrition, with the ambition of saving hundreds of thousands of lives.
The Greenway Foundation is funded directly by Greenway, as well as by 1%ForAll, a generous contribution from each of the company's customers. In addition, Greenway covers all operating costs, guaranteeing that every penny collected from partner companies is fully invested in the realization of common projects. Transparency and integrity are the cornerstones of our mission.
Through its actions, the Greenway Foundation embodies the power of small actions combined to create monumental impact. It aspires to become a catalyst of hope, uniting the voices of those who, until now, have acted individually, to build a better future.





One planet